Dovecot (http://www.dovecot.org/)
IMAP and POP3 server written primarily with security in mind.
Cyrus (http://cyrusimap.org/)
Intended to be run on sealed servers, where normal users are not permitted to log in.
Qpopper (http://www.eudora.com/products/unsupported/qpopper/)
One of the oldest and most popular server implementations of POP3.
DBMail (https://github.com/pjstevns/dbmail)
Fast and scalable email services, storage of mail messages in a relational database.
Courier (http://www.courier-mta.org/imap/)
Fast, scalable, enterprise IMAP and POP3 server.
Nginx (http://nginx.org/)
Reverse proxy, load balancer, HTTP cache, and web server.
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Автор: Johnny
Тэги: Ajenti, Alfresco, Ansible, Apache, Backuppc, Bacula, Bind, BlackBox, Bugzilla, cacti, Chef, cherokee, Citadel, ClamAV, Clonezilla, Cobbler, dnsmasq, Docker, DokuWiki, Dovecot, Eclipse, EGroupware, ejabberd, Eucalyptus, exim, Fail2Ban, Firebird, Git, GLPI, Go, Grafana, Horde, ISPConfig, ispmanager, Jenkins, KeePass, Kibana, KVM, Lighttpd, Logstalgia, MariaDB, Mediawiki, Mina, MongoDB, Monit, Monitorix, munin, MySQL, nagios, nano, NetXMS, Nextcloud, nginx, OCS, Octopussy, Openfire, OpenLDAP, OpenNebula, OpenProject, OpenShift, OpenVPN, Otrs, ownCloud, pfSense, Piwik, postfix, postgresql, PowerDNS, Proxmox, Puppet, putty, Pydio, Redis, Redmine, rkhunter, Roundcube, RRDtool, sandstorm, Seafile, Sendmail, Snort, SpamAssassin, SQLite, Subversion, Swift, Syncthing, Tomcat, Vagrant, Varnish, VestaCP, Vim, VirtualBox, Virtualmin, Webalizer, webmin, Wireshark, Xen, zabbix, Zimbra